Beside my desk sits a large clear bin over flowing with scrap fabrics, a bin I have had my eye on since I moved into my studio. It's home was first under the desk closest to my easel and farthest from my main work surface. I then rediscovered it and moved it a bit closer, under the desk in the middle of the room. Once again, my eyes laid upon it and felt a need to bring it just a bit closer to me. I was not ready just yet to rip it apart! Until now! Oh, how much fun it is ripping fabric! And that raw frayed edge - ah, be still my heart!
You can twist one side for a subtle flow, or let them hang wild and light. Check back in to see some more soon!

My delight in making art for the ears, neck and wrist has crept its way up to my head - and yours! The first headbands in the AMiRA jewelry collection are here and going fast! Ripped canvas, Tibetan yarn, and antique brass chain with various stones and crystals dangling on the side. These funky head decorations may also been worn around the neck with the dangle at the side for some asymmetrical fun!